What neck tabs to cut?


XS650 Guru
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P.E.I, Canada
Hey guys, just wondering if these tabs can be cut off or do they serve a purpose? I know the one on the back side of the neck is the fork lock (gonna delete that one) but what are the other 2 for? Bottom of neck (protruding out) and the round one pointing down on the neck gusset. Ask first cut later.


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The one pointing out of the front is your turn stop. I would leave that one. I contacts the lower triple tree to restrict how far you can actually move the steering, to avoid hitting the tank and critical angles when its on a kick stand, preventing the front end from turning in too far and falling.

The one of the bottom and in the back have at it!!
Cool. Just want to clean up that area a bit. Didn't want to cut anything that was useful.

The fork lock looks terrible (didn't get the key for it anyway). Still curious to what the round tab pointing down is for. I see alot of guys leave them on. Maybe because its a hard to reach area to grind/cut off unless you you have some small air tools.
Yes, 5twins, that's exactly what it's for. The first few years had the friction steering damper and that round pin was how the friction plate locked to the frame.
So is it O.K to chop it? I'm building a hardtail and want to simplify things as much as possible. I'm going to keep the turn stop as thelowlife pointed out: I bought this in pieces so I didn't know how everything worked.
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