XS650 carburetors


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I've got a question I was wondering f anyone could answer for me. I've got a 71 model Xs1B engine with the factory carbs and another 650 Yamaha carburetor rack I picked up at a flea market. It looks to be what is called the BS38. The factory ones on my 71 model engine are 38mm also I know because I measured. What I was wondering is what are the early model carbs on my 71 model engine called? They are alot like the BS38 but they have individual throttle levers and other things.
Also the later model BS38 rack I got at the flea market is missing the enricher acuating lever that mounts on the side of the carb body, everything else to it is there. Wasn't a bad buy for 15 bucks...does anyone have that enrichener lever I'm talking about for sale?
Welcome, CC1. There were no fewer than four BS38 designs used on the XS650 in different years, each one with different specs. Click the "Tech" button at the top of the screen and scroll to the carburetor section. You'll find plenty of information there that will help you avoid mistakes. For the lever, you might try posting a want ad in the classifieds section.
This guy is not here to listen or learn........removed post


CC1 XS650 Enthusiast

650Skull said:

Point i am making is if you had engaged and finished the thread your carbs would have been identified and help needed on jets and fitment could have been given.

Did the same in the Reg/Rect thread........


What are ya gonna do about it Skull?
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72/73 and 74/75 BS38's are not linked and as a set only one carb had an en-richer lever, there was a tube between both carbs that feed the second carb from the en-richer off the first.
That's exactly the ones I have. Just by looking except for them being linked together at the throttles, they are basically the same carburetor right?
Welcome, CC1. There were no fewer than four BS38 designs used on the XS650 in different years, each one with different specs. Click the "Tech" button at the top of the screen and scroll to the carburetor section. You'll find plenty of information there that will help you avoid mistakes. For the lever, you might try posting a want ad in the classifieds section.
Hey thanks alot. I will do that.
Don't know what your on about............someone will be able to help........... I 'm not wasting my time again
We like to suggest you start a build thread and post pics, helps keep all your info in one place AKA a builders log, useful to you later, and a guy that helps the forum help them will get a LOT of great support with questions, attaboys, and suggestions, sometimes we catch issues the builder isn't even aware of. It's happened to me, posted a pic and a denizen noticed a loose sprocket bolt! Pictures get looked at round these here parts.
There's an "on the other hand" also.
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Agree, been trying to follow your journey as it’s interesting, but it’s hard when there’s about 10 threads. Maybe consider a build thread??