XS650 Craigslist postings depository

This won't last
XS1B, $3900, looked pretty good, Easley, SC

EDIT: I just checked the listing and it's still there for me. But, "Listed 26 weeks ago?" Something's fishy...
Yeah asked a couple guys from that area, they can't see it either..
Laser, sonic, next will be nuclear ablation.

Makes one feel Young again the same Bu****t used late 60 ies .Not the laser
But everything inside that engine is replaced serviced ,,renewed and The whole world is replaced

I have not looked at the prices for a sub 500 cc Motorcycle :But a 2 stroke 350 I believe can have have difficulties reaching half that asking price.
XS 650 is by many regarded as a Girls Bike here .. Never know anyone looking for a 350.
Even though it can be a fun ride.