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  1. gdcpony

    77 Rear disc issues

    Ok I know this was converted by the PO. The MC has the lever attached and appears to be this from Mike's: The rear was always weak from the moment I got the bike, but good front more than made up for it. Now, I want to fix this. I looked it over really well tonight and found that the linkage is...
  2. gdcpony

    '77 XS final issues- I am about to get her back on the road

    I am about done rebuilding an XS that was wrecked in May of 2011. In that wreck, the damage done was surprisingly minor. Pegs, Bars, Levers, and exhaust were all toast. I sold the bike in that condition over the objections of my daughter who was on the bike for the wreck. My friend who bought it...
  3. gdcpony

    I got her back! Now what?

    Almost two years ago I laid down my '77 XS650 with my oldest daughter on the back. We were fine and the bike though not able to be ridden was not too damaged. My wife however put her foot down on repairing it. Instead my friend bought it from me and it sat in his garage until a couple weeks ago...
  4. gdcpony

    A thanks well deserved.

    Recently I wrecked my 77 XS and posted it up. Neither my daughter or I was hurt and the damage was mostly minor. It was a lesson learned in more than one way. First, keep your eyes forward, you never know what might happen. This applies...
  5. gdcpony

    Critic my wreck (I already know I messed up though)

    Today one of my daughters, the oldest, worked her butt off for a prize. Her prize? A five mile bike ride on the back of my XS650. So she strapped on her helmet and leather chaps (my rule) with a long sleeve shirt. Me? I went against my usual chaps and leather jacket for the first time and just...