62 motorcycles for 200$ (AZ)

If I were going to start my own garage/sales, this would probably be a good place to start. $12,000 as a start up cost for all those bikes probably isnt too bad, and over time you would make your money back plus some on the side.
I need that like I need a hole in the head, but if I had the cash, space and transportation... Actually, I could arrange the rest - its mostly the space!
I don't think so Tim. No way no how and I buy pretty much anything I can make a buck off of. After you factor in your time I bet you would be lucky to break even.
And, I thought I had a bunch of crap...

I've got about 6000-7000 baseball cards from the 70's to the 90's, if you're interested. Would take up a whole lot less space... $200.00.

You can probably make more off of them vs those bikes...
