78e #2 is outside for testing today !

5twins Right on !, I've actually just this morn tried to adjust a voltage regulator up .The least corroded one is just kinda flat and low (13.1v) ? so Im trying to get that one hotter ! Very interesting ! Was wondering how you've done trying this.... too early here to make noise, the bubs mufflers . -RT
The 78 Standard is the best looking and by now probably the scarcest machine of the whole XS650 series. You're treating them right, TM--congrats!
- - - - that brit style light was still in its "japan" box.- - - .
Hi TM,
yeah, I recognised that rear light assembly because it looked so much like the stock Lucas rear light assembly on my BSA.
The "Japan" box explains your light's minor design differences and overall better quality.
Sun today only before work. I "adjusted" a voltage regulator , it was interesting. Maybe wasting time but learning here by the forest drop off to the Sandy river it was beautuful ! Spring is here today ! Primitive shop I have here but excellent roads ! -RT
Looks like a good place to do some bikework to me!
Sunshine helps a Lot ! All good out on the concrete slab. To some of my neighbors i'm the guy on the corner who turns up the Rock, Runs his motors and drinks beers out front lol... I wouldn't even harm a squirrel ;)
I've been known to have the rock staion on the radio when I work on the SG. Alice Cooper has a radio show. So does Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister. Rock on! See things better in the day too.
We motorcycle people are good neighbors and good people ! Some don't see us looking after the neighbors kids,dogs, etc. I am the neighbor who watches out for them.. -RT and makes rumbly noise !