Amazing GoPro accident video

Too much HP + too little riding experience = opportunity to die young.
He was lucky this time....................... maybe not the next time.

Agreed RT - I wouldn't wish another rider might have been better if he had been just a little bit more bashed up so that he'd remember.
a lot of valuble info there. keep calm, call 911, assess the situation. keep victim calm, assess damage. keep helmet on as you climb down. I bet he forgot he was wearing a helmet cam. good friend. I didn't see that other rider anywere after he climbed back out. at least he dialed 911. There are some straight drops on that highway. Willy is very lucky.
No Armadillos, Box turtles, or taurantulas crossing roads up here. Just furry things & frogs.. um some furry things are way too big to hit (sasquatch) .. hitting a bird is bad enuf.. a cat , not a good feeling. Eek
...with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back-a each one, sayin' what each one was...