Best on-line parts diagrams covering all Yamaha models?


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Austin, Texas
I usually use Partzilla or to look up part numbers, but their part numbers lists have lots of omissions compared to the drawings.
I need a really good on-line source for drawings and numbers, and not just for the XS650 (which can be found on, but for all Yamaha models.
I seem to recall someone posting a link to the "official" Yamaha motorcycle factory drawings, on a site that was actually from Yamaha, not from a vender.
Yamaha has been dropping some schematics where the specials and standards coincide.
But partzilla, csnml, nw vintage, etc all are drawing from the same well.
For specific model parts lists from the original fiches. The 650 Society used to offer them.
If you are looking for a cross reference and don't mind mind paying for it.
If you are looking for freebies.

Of course now partizlla's and csnml's page will give like parts used on different models.
weekendrider, thanks for the response and the links. I did a lot of test searches on yamahapartsandaccessories, and unfortunately they have a lot of the same omissions as on Partzilla or For example, here are the available diagrams on Partzilla for a 1976 XS650C:
Where is the carburetor, front wheel, rear wheel, etc., etc.? I know from experience to back up to the 1975 XS650B diagram list in Partzilla to find those components, but what if it's a model that I am not so familiar with?
Anyways, so look at the parts diagram list for the same 1976 XS650C from yamahapartsandaccessories (sorry, their HTML doesn't allow me to post a link), and yes, they show the carburetor, but still no front or rear wheel.

Here's another example, the headlight drawing and parts list for a 1976 IT400C from yamahapartsandaccessories:
Where is diagram part #3 in the parts list?

I also tried plugging part #s into the search box at the top of yamahapartsandacessories, and the #s aren't very well cross-referenced with their own parts diagrams. Results are a crap shoot. Partzilla does a much better job if you know the part number, as long as that number is in Partzilla's system, which is another crap shoot.

Your second link, zedder, might be great, and I'd pay for it, except that it doesn't have diagrams.

And the third link you gave looks useful, but only covers a fraction of Yamaha models.

Thanks again. I do think that partsandaccessories was the "factory" link that I referenced in my initial post, but it still has lots of omissions. My guess now is that a really perfect reference doesn't exist.
Here a couple of links i have. Never used them to their fullest but, may be they will help out., Sorry i didn't check your link wer. Posted a double.

XSD has the same carbs as an XSC. I have also found with and partzilla, that the part no's match up with other models, can be wrong. Have to cross check to be sure
zedder is worth every penny it costs but can be hard to navigate without a parts num plus no diagrams so you still need something to give your parts nums but still worth it for x referencing matching parts from different models/bikes,,saved me a fortune/time over the yrs