Blasted Hurricane!

looks like a shit of a one, i know what its like had a big one go right over here in feb. Keep safe.
i was just going to come make a thread wishing all my east coasters good luck. things are looking bad for us here in New Jersey. It looks like we may be getting a pretty good-sized chunk of the shit right in our laps. either way, everyone, stay safe if you can!
not to take things lightly but as long as it doesn't increase shouldn't be to much damage, Lots of rain and flooding.................Mind you i shouldn't say that, we had a catgory one last christmas that caused all the flooding and damage from one end of the country to another. Stay on high ground
I pulled my boat out last night and using murpy's law that means we won't get hit hard. You would swear it was armagdon the way all the grocery stores are picked clean. We will most likley see a lot of power outtages and some flooding.
Didn't know about this till this thread was started, and i saw a cat 2 which i thought, isn't to bad then i saw an article about the destruction in the Bamahamas. Not good. Thoughts are with you guys.
yeah man, went to the store this evening well after midnight to pick up some popcorn (because clearly, i equate hurricanes with movie night lol) and it was absolutely packed. not a bottle of water or a loaf of bread left in the store. absolutely nuts.
I saw home video that my sister took at Cherry Point a few years ago during a cat 2, everything was going horizontal...rain, tree limbs, garbage cans, lawn furniture, and anything that wasn't nailed down. Not a place an Ohio boy wants to be.

Good luck and a prayer to those folks on the east coast.
Well not too bad so far here at the house, 2 hours from the coast. Raining sideways with 50 mph gusts. Still have power. Things are bad at the beach but thankfully not catastrophic as Irene was a CAT 1 when it made landfall.
Those western bands of rain just can't seem to get over the Appalachians in eastern Kentucky and Tennesse, last time I checked, lest we might be seeing a bit of the ol' girl here....hope she turns out to be 'much ado about nothing', for the most part....
Governor Christie says....'get the hell off the beach....' lol, real Jersey boy...Sometimes I almost miss living there.

did you read the full quote?! it was absolutely hysterical. something like "if you're in asbury park, get the hell off the beach! it's 4:30! you're tanning is already done for the day, now get in your car and leave!" my buddy is a reporter down that way and i couldn't believe it when he told me lol
Funny as hell - Va. Beach residents mock half-witted Weather Channel reporters trying to dramatize storm.

did you read the full quote?! it was absolutely hysterical. something like "if you're in asbury park, get the hell off the beach! it's 4:30! you're tanning is already done for the day, now get in your car and leave!" my buddy is a reporter down that way and i couldn't believe it when he told me lol

He sure is a breath of fresh air. When he was having some fits with the legislature that wouldn't assemble, he said something like..."you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get in my escalade, have a state police escort to the mansion, turn on a game, pop open a couple of beers and order a pizza...and they can call me when their ready to get back to business..". I hope big things for him in the future.
well the storm has gone on by, just left a messed up yard. Flattened acres of corn out back. One poor fellow lost his life in the next town when he went to check on his dogs and a tree fell on him. We think that is the only fatality. We were out of power most of the day today but back on now. Just a whole lot of yardwork now.
"NOAA claims the winds are 85 MPH, but none of the Weather Underground stations in the area report higher than 33 MPH winds. By definition, this is not a hurricane – and is just barely a tropical storm."

Weather Underground - the best weather site.

If Steven Goddard would have swung by the house today about 2 p.m. he could have gotten a 75 mph golden shower when he pissed himself.