Dubious distinctions

John, I thought you looked kinda Younger!
Of course, you're a fireman and they don't get much tougher than that. Tip of the hat.

How's the old neck and back today?

The back is healing I think. Sometimes I feel like we are trashmen and just driving different trucks.:wtf:
Altho this is ancient....yep timothy Wayne dick...is related thru my great grandmother Lucille dick.
And yes ..Beowulf is the title character..if youve seen the original( shown in the movie extras) the preface of the book bound in human skin...states for the Niblings and the Vohlsings. Nibling was the last name of his number 2 and Vohlsing became Vahlsing in the 11th century and then Fahlsing in the 1800s when my ancestors migrated from northwest Germany...ancient home of the Geats. Beowulfs homeland. Forgive the extrapolation...but it's been handed down for 1500+ years in our family.