Dubious distinctions


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Smithville, MO
In another thread, Jesse James got brought up. I guess our boy Jesse is a distant relative of the original bank bad boy. He sure resembles him, I'll say that.

I really am a descendant of Kit Carson (a great great grandfather I think, I don't know why he was go great-great, maybe he had a helluva chili recipe or a very long schlong) and Alpha Dog (Scott M at http://alphadogchoppers.com/) is, according to my research, a descendant of Billy The Kid (under his birth name). So, what's next, a garage builder's shoot out?

Who else here is descended from notoriety (other than their own, of course)?
I am a descendant of the first governor of Georgia(Lumpkin). He named Marthasville after his daughter. Being a railway center, the works did not want their town named after a girl so he re-named it Atlanta. His daughter was named Martha Atlanta Lumpkin. Tony C
my great , great, great etc.. uncle was aid to Baron Von Steuben . If you do not know who he was do a search .Thank him before you go to vote as without him there is little doubt we would be speaking the Kings English and not American English .
Oh and a great man with the last name of Lee .
If you go back to about the 5th century...one ancestor is Beowulf. My distant cousin is Tim Allen. My g/f is a direct descendant of Mona Lisa Gherardini.
Descended from Peter Gunnerson Rambo http://www.colonialswedes.org/Forefathers/FFList.html
One of the original colonial Swedes. He came over in 1639, brought the Rambo apple with him and was established and entertained Willie Penn when he made his arrival.
Also Jonas Cattell, http://jonascattell.com/ , local So. Jersey Rev war hero.
Throw in John Gibson, mayor of Philadelphia in 1771.
All that and a buck seventy-five'll get ya a coffee at the local Quick Stop.
Uhhhh... Beowulf is a fictional character in a poem. Just sayin'.. :)

My ex-father in law IS Tim Allen... not THE Tim Allen.
so.... im in with john paul jones, mariam webster. and son of Nel. my wifes related to that pirate woman. cant remember her name rite now, but yeah, everyone came from someone.
How about the 13th signer of the Declaration of independance , Johnathan Hart.
Cool. Lots of interesting stuff. If we all knew more about our ancestry we'd be amazed and humbled I'm sure. All the stories that have gotten lost.

But Leo, since the Declaration of Independence isn't a song (it's a poem as Teebs can confirm), how could your relative be the 13th singer?

See? Caught you in a big fat lie, Leo! Admit it! :D
On my maternal side side I am a descendant of Tom Starr, a Cherokee. He served with the boys in gray during the Civil War and Tom is thought to have killed over thirty men in his lifetime to avenge his father's murder.
On my father's side I am kin to Cole Younger. His father was murdered by jayhawkers so he turned to the southern side. He served during the Civil War with William Quantrill. He joined the notorious bushwhacker leader William Clarke Quantrill in a raid on August 21, 1863, taking part in the slaughter of some 200 men and boys at Lawrence, Kansas, which the guerrillas looted and burned.
He tried to rob the bank at Northfield MN with Jesse and Frank James but was caught.

As our thread starter knows, Jesse James grew up on the family farm and is buried right up the road about 15 minutes away in Kearney, MO.
John, I thought you looked kinda Younger!

Damn, you have some colorful boys in your family tree! Wouldn't it be interesting to know whether any of your ancestors knew any of mine. In addition to Kit, I have a Revolutionary war hero and an Indian fighter in my tree. One guy got his arm shot off in an Indian fight, killed three of them and lived to almost 100.

I think they made folks a lot tougher then. Of course, you're a fireman and they don't get much tougher than that. Tip of the hat.

How's the old neck and back today?
My dad is Gordons Fisherman. His name is Gordon, hes a fisherman.

Uncle Ben is also my Uncle.

Out family cookouts are just insane !!
Uhhhh... Beowulf is a fictional character in a poem. Just sayin'.. :)

My ex-father in law IS Tim Allen... not THE Tim Allen.

Tim Allen's his stage name. Allen is his middle name. His last name is actually,.. and I'm not kidding, Dick. I read his book. First line of the book is. " I'm a Dick" And I , as far as I know, am not related to any murderers or thieves. But, ya never know.
Then my ex-father-in-law is THE Tim Allen. He's also an accident prone contractor. He managed to shoot himself in the same leg twice, years apart... He invited me to go hunting with him on more than one occasion. I don't think so, Tim...
A gramps who's mentioned in most modern bios of Daniel Boone. Being famous for being in somebody else's bio is dubious enough I think.

Plus another gramps who served under Washington at Valley Forge - but not during the winter. Also a dubious distinction.
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I said signer not singer. The Declaration of Independence for those of you less informed is a document that helped found this country.
Johnathan Hart was an uncle or cousin, on my Dad's side.
My Mom's into the genealogical stuff, tracing our family trees.
On Mom's side she has found some of our women where burned as witches at Salem during the Witch trials.