First time stripping down bike

I'm tearing down my 82 xs650 for the first time down to it's bones . Any advice?

Take pictures and use enveloppes to put bolts en tiny parts in and write on the enveloppe where its fore, so if put the bike together later you dont get crazy by searching fore the right bolts/parts!

And don't take pictures with your cell phone. Use a real camera, with good lighting. You'll thank yourself later when you're zooming in on that 10MP pic to see that little detail crap. If you see parts along the way that look suspect or damaged, keep a running list. If you're like me, you won't remember the whole list later. Don't bust ya knuckles!

I suggest plastic zip lock baggies and a sharpie instead of the envelopes. The envelopes may not stand up well to oil and will disintegrate after a while. Also, you can see the parts inside the bags as well as the sharpie marking on the outside. Just my two cents. It worked great for me.
There aren't that many nuts and bolts on the bike and most are pretty easy to find where they go. I don't usually bag and tag them, but I can see how that could help. I think the most important thing you can do is take pictures of your wiring connections. That will save you a lot of time. If your an electrical retard like me.
i always bag and tag with a sharpie, but this is motor 3 already and it's getting to the point where i hardly even need to reference the manual anymore.
Very awesome thank you for all the advice. Getting my David bird hardtail welded this weekend. Very excited just wanted to make sure I'm not rushing into hints to much without getting q couple of heads ups.
I always slip bolts/nuts back onto the things I take apart if possible, and any others I will also just ziploc and mark with a sharpie. Pictures will help, especially when it comes to little things like seeing where something lined up i.e. pedals, brake stay, etc. Where wiring was running from/to... Anything that one doesn't usually think about when pulling things apart.

It is nice to have pictures when ordering parts and things to double check on what you had on hand.