Fixing rattle can paint job?


XS650 Addict
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Planet Earth
I'm painting my gas tank. Rattlecan style, using Krylon X-metals. This is tough stuff to work with, just because it requires incredibly light coats per each spray. Today I finished prep+primer, then used a entire can. The top looks incredibly even, but the sides have 2-4 darker spots on each side that really stand out. I'm debating on how to fix it. Should I just spray another can, flash dry each coat and hope that the sides will even out? or is it better to just sand it, reprimer and give it another go?
First off what color is it ?? If it is a metallic, then the only way to really fix for a even coat is to sand off and do again. If it is not a metallic coat, then sanding with some 2000 grit ( wet) can even it out. Then wipe clean and clear.. The best way to do rattle can is super light coats with a decent flash time, you can turn out some nice rattle jobs..
I've had trouble with the Krylon standard spray nozzle, a bit too concentrated, off-center, and gloppy if paint not shaken well (shake 'till the directions fall off the can). I prefer the 'fan spray' nozzles. Flake is very 'orientation' sensitive, top surface looks different from sides, so experiment.

More rattle can how-to's:
Thanks guys. it is metallic, and I think i'm unfortunately going to have to sand it down. I the top does looks really even, but the sides we're absolutely splotchy. I was hoping they we're fine and that I was too critical, but after getting a second person to look at it, the spots we're incredibly noticeable. I will check out that link.