Great vid’s of the great days gone by…

Some body from our group? Starting young. Wooden bicycle

Oh, that brings back memories. Life in Oz wasn't quite like what you guys had, but similar. We had no diners, no pop music from our radios, no Freeds, no Wolfman Jacks, no TV until 1960. But, we had driveway service, people with manners, something to look forward to and people actually took pride in how they looked: Very few overweight people, but best of all girls looked like girls, they were slim and pretty and did their utmost to look nice. No bones through the nose, no tats, covering their bodies, no ripped jeans and none llooked like overfed pigs!
As I look around on my way to the end, I'm kind of disappointed in how the world has turned so ugly!
Noticed there seems to be a rear fender on it. He was probably the coolest kid around having a bike like that. Someone put a lot of effort into building it for him.