How do I clean the chrome on my exhaust?


XS650 Junkie
Reaction score
Smithton, IL
Somewhere in this bike's past life, someone must have put their feet on the hot pipes and melted he soles of their shoes onto the chrome. I've tried acetone to clean them up but I don't know how to get this stuff off. The only thing I haven't done yet was warm up the bike and try wiping them off. Has anyone else had this issue?
There is a product called "Autosol"................made in Germany..........that's what I use. I've used it for around 40 years. Can be used on any chrome type surfaces. Comes in a at motorcycle shops.
Try Easy-Off COLD oven cleaner, and let it sit for a few hours, or even overnight. It should then rinse or wipe off easily. Be careful not to get any oven cleaner on painted surfaces or aluminum, as it may not place nice with them.
I have used it on chrome with no problems. Will mess up aluminum and galvanized steel (makes the steel rust). Your results may vary, so it may be best to use the oven cleaner on an old chrome part first, as to check for an adverse reaction. I used EASY-OFF brand COLD OVEN Cleaner. I don't know how other oven cleaners might react with the chrome. I saw this tip in Cycle World magazine years ago, and it worked for me; it got rid of the "sneaker spooge" on the rear muffler of my Sportster.
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I just cleaned my pips today. A little window cleaner and really fine steel wool. Works like a charm!
"Sneaker Spoo" Love it! I'll grab a can of Easy Off on my way to the hardware store tomorrow to get my supplies for my homemade manometer.
There is a product called "Autosol"................made in Germany..........that's what I use. I've used it for around 40 years. Can be used on any chrome type surfaces. Comes in a at motorcycle shops.

Autosol, or Simichrome, applied via 00 steel wool....nothing better for a shine!
I use Industrial Goof-Off and a soft rag(wifes old dish towel) to remove the old burned leather, rubber and road tar.
Removes it with no scratching.
Some times using ice to freeze the sneaker spooge gets it off. As it freezes it shrinks and breaks the grip of the sneaker spooge to the pipe.
It seems the layer is really thin and doesn't seem to scrape loose. I didn't make it to the hardware store yet to see about either goof off or cold oven cleaner. There aren't any bike shops nearby so I'm going to try these tricks first before ordering the professional stuff.

We had some bitter cold evenings this past winter and you would think that could shrink up what is on there. Maybe I missed my opportunity for a little help from mother nature?
When Mother Nature helps she freezes the pipes too. The pipes need to be warm. not run the bike warm but like the air temp is warm. Then just the pooge freezes.