How long should it take?

Thanks to all for your informative and encouraging responses. I was basically afraid to tackle the valves and cam chain, but after finding some step by step instructions on adjusting the cam chain I thought that even I could do that. Took the time today to do that today and low and behold it worked. 80% of the clattering is now gone! AND, it runs better. Feels like it is more comfortable cruising at 62-65 now, whereas before it felt comfortable at 52-55.

So, I know it's no big deal to you mechanics, but it's a milestone for me.

Thanks for everyone's encouragement.
Once you get started, you wont stop there. Keep at it cause I was once like you. Did my first cam chain replacement last year and was scared as all get out! Was always wondering: " It ran before tear down, it should run again....right!?!?!:shrug:". It did!! With the help of all these members here either be an achived thread or current one, you always learn something new from these guys.:thumbsup: