Hydraulic Clutch Ratio Question


XS650 Guru
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New Zealand
Does anyone know of a clutch master cylinder to slave cylinder ratio that works well with the XS?

I want a hydraulic clutch that is as light as my cable one.

Looking to eliminate the worm gear and have direct actuation of the pushrod from the slave cylinder.

I already have a 14mm master cylinder.
Thank you in advance.
Depending on the stroke of the master cylinder you have you should be able to use an aftermarket 30.5mm slave cylinder. Currently I have a 13mm master cylinder with a 12mm stroke paired with a 30.5mm slave cylinder and I am getting ~2.2mm seperation at the pressure plate. I am very pleased with the feel and action of the hydraulic clutch at this point. It feels a litttle heavier than some of the modern sport bikes I have played with but it is also lighter than the cable actuated clutches I have played with. A good point of reference is that Ducati 848's and Arpilia RSV's both use a 13mm master and 28mm slave from the factory. Now bear in mind that the 848's and the RSV's use more clutch friction plates and therefore can probably (I don't have any actual data on this) use lighter clutch springs which would give them a lighter feeling clutch. But again alot of factors go in to the clutch feel and actuation beyond just the bore of the master and slave cylinders such as lever ratio and spring rates to name a couple but you should be safe in the same general ratio as the Duc's and Aprilia's.