I am truly afraid

Ok so July, when can we expect the end or what ever it is, is going to start. Don't give me sometime soon, when since your so close to the truth and can see it coming.

And if your wrong... Like 12 month after your "date", if I bump this thread, and I will, and absolutely nothing has changed from today, what does that say about you, what then, on to a new date and new therory or how does this all work, are you let down or relieved or what?

the exercise is suppost to last 2 months.
It will be taking place in your state too.
Maybe in your town.
I don't know what it will be be something will change.
This exercise has been held before but only in one town in N.C. so they have been preparing for this. This is a large step up from the past one town to 9 States.
Why is 2 of the largest preper states, Texas and Utah set as hostile states?
I can't tell the future, I don't know what will or wont happen.
But if I'm wrong well it wont be the first time, it wont be the last time either.
I will greatfull to be wrong.
I didn't believe..........
- The great UN and Russia invasion of Louisiana.
- The Hale-Bopp comet, and the "Heaven's Gate" fiasco
- The subsequent "Blue Kachina" comet
- Y2K, the great year 2000 computer meltdown. I was actually posted outside a large facility as a precaution.
- The end of the Mayan Calendar
- 5-5-2000, the great planetary alignment, supposed to tear us a new one.
- and more
I don't think I'm a doomdayer,
But I will not put my head in the sand either.
And if any one wants to think the world don't want us disarmed that's okay with me.
But I know better
Guns are economy and money. This time next year there will be no change. Never been wrong and not this time either. Quick search of the net turns up biblical scripture references mixed with god this and that.. ok that's enough to me to see clearly.

Just got back from desert shooting last wed, 600 yds with custom McMillan and baretlian barrel done by phx custom rifles, Various cans, etc and a CNBC kill I can actually make lowers. If and when I need them at end of days I will have them so I am not an anti gun advocate, got quite a fewrounds saved up. But this ain't the start of anything.

If anyone want to collect my guns, well I had them on a boat trip And gosh dang it, they all fell overboard.

Got the right to be worried of course. No issues with that. Guess we'll see.
So, we're listed as "hostile".
With our heat and humidity during that time of year, a better term would be "brutal".
Good training. Iced tea sales should skyrocket...
I always ask myself what's the end game of these "theories".

What does the Government stand to gain by taking over cities/states in it's own country, aside from destroying it's own economy?
I'm not antagonizing I just don't follow the theory.

Was there an exercise? Anyone see it? What happened? Is it postponed or gonna happen later? Did it happen but it was a non event?

It's still going on. 15 more days.
What I've been told the gov put the hush on it.
I have talked to a few former soldiers and they told me not to worry.
But I do any way. :shrug:
I think we're supposed to attack Arizona.
But, I think that's disinformation. Not much of anything of interest there.

I think the real plan is to invade Canada.

They say that there's a cache of valuable snowmobiles up there.

I've heard that a high-tech team has been assembled, to try to figure out what those things do...
- - - I've heard that a high-tech team has been assembled, to try to figure out what those things do...

Hi 2many,
you turn them upside down and have U.S. liberal politicians use them as treadmills.
This generates gasoline and saves the planet.
I don't know about the sky falling, but things in general seem to be in the shitter.
Hi 2many,
you turn them upside down and have U.S. liberal politicians use them as treadmills.
This generates gasoline and saves the planet.

Hahaha :laughing::laughing::laughing:

That's it, Fred! :thumbsup: We don't have anywhere near enuff of those things.

So, keep yer eyeballs open for an invasion of shivering Texicans...
The recent exercise is JADE HELM. And it is an exercise in CIVILIAN CONTROL. I totally agree Carbon. This country IS in store for something very ugly, Personally I feel it will be a combination of things. False messiah coming/showing up (project Bluebeam), false UFO invasion etc.
The technology IS in place now,,,has been tested and will provide the "stimulus", (People begging the govt to protect them) to fully enable the MARTIAL LAW.

We here in the USA are the LAST country in the world where practically anyone can own a weapon. THIS is the ONLY thing keeping "them" (shadow government) from bringing the "One World Government" into fruition. Be ready,,, have your preps in place, bury extra weapons and ammo, bug out bags in every vehicle, or easily accessable. And be ready to DITCH your fukkn cell phones. I HATE CELLS, even though they are very useful, you WILL be tracked, even if it is off.

Yea,, I AM PARANIOD,,and you should be too. From what I hear in the "darknet" Sept 23 is a key date. Don't ask me what,,,I DON'T KNOW.
Many of our recent presidents have used the term "New World Order",,and that IS the plan. One currency, one government, one religion,,all of "their" choosing. Along with Obamas "executive orders" which BYPASS every facet of a fair government. I would LOVE to see the "fine print" in those. Just like the Obamacare document. There is shit in there that has absolutely nothing to do with health care BUT very related to weapons and weapon ownership.

Who do I blame? I put very much blame on people. For losing track of WHAT made them "free" and what it takes to remain free. (NSA for example). Since 9/11 we HAVE been living in a POLICE STATE brought on by the signing of the "Patriot Act".
By NOT stating "NO" you do automatically "IMPLY YES". It is called "Implied Consent". Where no answer or decision equals a "yes" decision.
This is all a VERY DEEP rabbit-hole folks. So deep, it goes back to way before the "founders". Our "LAWFUL" vs "LEGAL" money. The ALL CAPS for every "OFFICIAL" document, it is ALL related,,,
DAMN ,,, I AM PISSED NOW,,,this subject raises primeval anger in me. TV, STUPID SHOWS, sports, Fuc*ING "DANCING WITH THE STARS" !!!! What the hell,,,
Turn off the devices,,LEARN where you came from,,,what made you and this country FREE,,,READ THE CONSTITUTION, the MAGNA CARTA and every other document. READ THE LAWS,,,BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY..
Crap folks, it's been time to fight back and no one is or will.
I have said enough,,it's up to YOU ALL now to learn the truth.
But WHY?

You spout all this rhetoric but never give any indication of what this "Shadow Government" stands to gain by these accomplishments? Why destroy the most successful economy in the world? I'd much easier believe some sort of manipulation of that economy, rather than destroying it. It makes no sense whatsoever.
But WHY?

You spout all this rhetoric but never give any indication of what this "Shadow Government" stands to gain by these accomplishments? Why destroy the most successful economy in the world? I'd much easier believe some sort of manipulation of that economy, rather than destroying it. It makes no sense whatsoever.
What economy ?
This country is currently $18,152,809,942,589 in debt. The endgame is power and control my friend. As well as controlling the wealth. This is the exact reason that BITCOIN has met with so much resistance from the FEDS. They cannot get control of what they cannot get their greedy little fingers into. That's 18 TRILLION dollars. The Chinese actually are in a much better financial position than we are here in the USA.

As long as our own corporation continue to send their manufacturing facilities to Mexico, China or any other country with lower labor rates this trend will continue.
Historically, few who try a coup d'état succeed. A grab for power, even with the full weight of the US military (a scenario that is about as unlikely as finding Elvis alive and well and living in sin with John Belushi) is likely to instigate a prolonged civil war with little to gain on the part of those who grabbed for power (roughly 300 million firearms in private ownership pretty much guarantees this).

This leaves a "legitimate" grab for power, à la Hitler and the Nazis. The difficulty here is that our Constitution has no emergency clauses giving the president dictatorial powers (as the Weimar constitution did). A grab for power wherein the president attempts to dissolve Congress and outlaw all parties would result, again, in civil war, only this time with most of the military (who swear an oath to the Constitution, and not to any commander or political leader) in league with the People.

I am not saying that everything in Denmark (or Washington D.C.) smells great. It doesn't. As Neil Postman points out in "Amusing Ourselves to Death," we now find ourselves in a caught in a conspiracy in which the victims of the conspiracy are also its main perpetrators.

From the book's jacket:

"But we had forgotten that alongside Orwell's dark vision, there was another—slightly older, slightly less well known, equally chilling: Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Contrary to common belief even among the educated, Huxley and Orwell did not prophesy the same thing. Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley's vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.

What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny 'failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions.' In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us."