INXS are you out there?

He's hasn't been around in 3 or 4 months. I guess I somehow made him angry when we were talking about setting up a technical wiki. :( I hope he stops back in eventually.
Yeah I was wondering what happened to him. Way!!!! To much good info for the community to be missing out on. His tech write ups really helped me out. I figured he was tired of hear teebs n xjmwx argue:laugh:

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teebs n xjmwx argue:laugh:

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He was gone way before I discovered Teebs. But I can't imagine anybody over about 12 getting so pissed at a website they disappear. That's too much like real life....
Obviously some people are taking our little sparring matches far more seriously than I do, or (I suspect) xjwmx does. I'm certainly not losing any sleep over it. No matter what crap I write on here, or how angry it may seem, I never am. To think that anyone on here is so sensitive that they can't take the watered down bs we toss back and forth is REALLY hilarious. You should come hang out with me in real life... :laughing:
Teebs is that an invite? I might just take you up on it. That would be interesting

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If I take Teebs down, I don't mule kick him. We get up and do it over. It's fun.
Especially the part where xjwmx is so delusional that he thinks he ever has or ever will take me down. Only in that insane little brain of his.
Now now boys. Teebs im having a hard time finding your location on mapquest....

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Are you kidding me? I'm AT the peanut tank factory. Why the hell else would I hate them so much!? (Well, that and everybody and their idiot cousin has one on their scoot...)
Working as a stripper now, I see. I figured you to be female.
Once more I intentionally hand you a golden opportunity to drop a scathing bomb on me and you handle it with all of the subtlety of a 300 pound adolescent boy in a roomful of Asian hookers. I can no longer participate in this back and forth since you obviously are woefully under-skilled. Go back to eating crayons and drinking from our drool cup.
Well, at least you aren't one of those fucking website guru phonies. You might be a phony but you aren't a guru. You're alright in my book.