Is this motor mount necessary ?


XS650 Addict
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I FINALLY got out in the garage to work on the bike for a while. Got it all cut for the hard tail addition, anyway is this lower mount really necessary ? Seems kinda like 4 mounts would be enough plus it would go a long way towards cleaning things up on the frame.


The XS has overkill on mounts 5 is a little much . Hell EVOs only have three . All of your custom frame makers dont use it i got rid of mine . Cut away !
Well, I'm in the as many mounts as possible camp, and considering that particular one is the only one (I believe) that is actually welded to the frame vs. a bolt-on bracket between engine and frame, I'd say it in particular is of high importance.
xs650-diy-hardtail-123-587x374.jpgEven the new Ardcore tail gets rid of this mount these bikes have motor mount overload . It really cleans the look of the frame up to .
I don't see enough added aesthetic benefit to go hacking it off. To each their own, but I wouldn't chance it. Build it right, build it once.
That mount as mentioned is direct frame to engine and helps oppose forces transmitted through the chain. Seems like a keeper to me but who needs mounts just to go to the bar?
If you cut it off please point out to future buyers that you removed it and why.
I left it on my hardtail. It's solid. I've ridden ones with no top mount and that one cut off. You could tell a difference. wobble, wobble,wobble,wobble. Crack the throttle....twist.
Btw: i bought a manual and am reading it, lots o good stuff in there !

LOL, good. Those manuals help sometimes.
Leaving that back mount on also makes it stronger. Just look at the pic of the tail by itself. Looks like if you hit a bump hard enough the frame would spring a bit too much. The engine helps stress the frame. Instead of just having the tail left out on its own, held only by these 3 welded slugs, it now becomes part of the motorcycle.
I would take off the top mount before that rear one.
Don't listen to anyone on this forum.. you don't need ANY motor mounts at all.. hack them all off.. I have this buddy who has this bike who has no motor mounts.. and its the tits...

But on a serious note... if you feel concerned enough to make a post on here then maybe you already have your answer? I'm sure tons of people do cut that specific mount off and its fine.. but do you want to be that one guy were shit hits the fan? It was engineered with those mounts for a reason. You can't really compare it to Ardcore CUSTOM hardtail end.

End transmission
View attachment 14706Even the new Ardcore tail gets rid of this mount these bikes have motor mount overload . It really cleans the look of the frame up to .

I think you need to look at that photograph again.

Edit: Never mind, I needed to look at it again. Custom frame builders are not renounced for building frames that make sense.
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