Might as well do an intro...


XS650 Enthusiast
Reaction score
Paris, TN
Hi all, just picked up my first xs650. Plan on bobbing it with a hardtail. Nothing crazy, jsut simple and clean. I have had many other bikes and I have been eyeing the xs650's for a while after seeing the many directions you can take them and the rediculous amount of parts/supplies available. Here is my 1980 model, I found it on craigslist with no price. I almost didnt even call about it. Only thing it needed was a chain. Starts on second kick everytime. I gave $400 for it like it sits. I feel pretty good about my investment. So now I am working on accumlating parts for my build. Look forward to chatting it up with you guys.





Tucked in the back of my shop behind the Harley.
Yeah I thought so too. It was one of those things where I really couldnt afford it at the time, but I couldnt afford to pass it up. I initially was going to bring it back hom and sell it, but once I got, I knew I was keeping it. I traded the spokes for mags from a forum member, picked up a sporty tank at my local indy shop, they were asking $200, I offered them $50 they took it. So far things are moving right along. Im trying to decide on which hardtail to get. I dont care for the TC bros. look. Im torn between the ardcore and the monstercraftsman right now. I need to do a little reading and research and get one ordered since most of them are a 4-6 week wait.