More bullshit from marketeers..


XS650 Junkie
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... this site does a good job of coralling it, and blowing it out of the water, while we have a chuckle.
I must say though, long before there were punks and hipsters, I was before them and I wasn't anyone special, just doing my thing.
I get fecking annoyed if I'm mistaken for any arseholes because of fashion wankers. Perhaps I'm just being anti-social.
with the internet we are all hip to whats happening and not. its a cultural thing. love it or hate it. dont waste your time hating it though. no one that cares, cares about who wearss or does what. That second video had a bunch of bad ass vintage bikes too. look like a bunch of people having fun together. bfd. like anything, the lifestyle can be traced back to other events and era's. just like words and dialects can. we're all humans lets just see eachothers potentials and learn and laugh with eacherother. bbq chicks beer and motorcycles. we are all part of the hipster community know as the xs650 riders. hip leaves no intellegently responisble age alone. you aint the first to be the first.
Can't win for loosing.
Get picked on for wearing riding leathers.
Get picked on for wearing t-shirt and sandals.

Really liked that shot with the chopped XS mixing it up with the Sportster and Norton...
I wore a silver Bell Star back in the day, does that make me a hipster pioneer? :laugh:

FWIW, someone who actually rides can always tell the difference between a rider :bike: and a fashion plate.
It's getting to the stage where I'm wondering if my favourite battered old leather looks like I bought it because it looks like that, iykwim.
I'll just carry on my own way - luckily there are mainly two types of riders in my locality - scruffs who ride anything anywhere and tank-polishers who never take their P&Js anywhere but to a show.
Oh, I'm forgetting the Springtime Wobblers, who fledge into the Summer Road Carvers, then change their plumage to Toyota Avensis for the winter.
iykwim --- you guys have to use your words. i dont know what this means. i know a few internet slangs, but what the hell?

we cant all be the same. we'd be robots. thats why the term style exist. if you had grands into something youd think twice about how often and where you take it right? you dont buy a new pair of shoes and go stomping in the mud on purpose do you? ever buy something and take special care of it? you gotta take that punk attitude and open up. youll be so much better off extendeding your friendships. not everyone is out to get you.
"iykwim --- you guys have to use your words. i dont know what this means."

Too funny!