My '77 XS hardtail


XS650 Member
Reaction score
Edmonton, AB
Here's some pics of my 77.



Will someone behind you see your tail light? From the first pic it looks to be blinded by your fender. Nice build but, that looks a little dangerous.
Will someone behind you see your tail light? From the first pic it looks to be blinded by your fender. Nice build but, that looks a little dangerous.

Its pretty clear from the back end, but i guess from the right side angle it might be hard to see. Didn't really think about that side too much when i was doing the mounting, looks like lots of other guys are side mounting the plate and taillight, is there anything illegal about that?
Its pretty clear from the back end, but i guess from the right side angle it might be hard to see. Didn't really think about that side too much when i was doing the mounting, looks like lots of other guys are side mounting the plate and taillight, is there anything illegal about that?

here in California they will pull you over and ticket you for a side mount tail light BUT you can get away with just the plate mounted on the side (I know this because the first week after I finished my i got pulled over 4 times and got a ticket the first time with a fix it ticket LAME FU CAL CHP) anyways I think your bike kicks ass man :bike:
Its pretty clear from the back end, but i guess from the right side angle it might be hard to see. Didn't really think about that side too much when i was doing the mounting, looks like lots of other guys are side mounting the plate and taillight, is there anything illegal about that?

here in California they will pull you over and ticket you for a side mount tail light BUT you can get away with just the plate mounted on the side (I know this because the first week after I finished my bike i got pulled over 4 times and got a ticket the first time with a fix it ticket LAME FU CAL CHP) anyways I think your bike kicks ass man the caddy break light is a nice touch :bike: