Need a PMA?


XS650 Addict
Reaction score
Upstate NY
I dedicated this week to check a few items out on the XS650 and build a few protos etc.

Any input on the following items/issues would be helpful "wish it was like this, should've been like that" etc example cooler hidden or not hidden?

#1 Oil filter microns affecting oil pressure at operating temp and conditions and a cooling kit incorporated into front motor mount etc
#2 Dyno pre and post rephrase
#3 Build a PMA to understand few things that don't make sense to me
#4 Fork spacers in a few sizes.....I have a fella at another shop that wants a few.

Probably too ambitious I know. I'll be happy to get thru

For the PMA I don't want to order parts until I find it a home when done, as I may not even get to it time wise. So, I'll have a PMA that I won't have a need for by, perhaps, late next week.
It'll need a home?

It'll include a Degree wheel, Degree wheel adaptor to thread on crank, Pointer, adj piston stop, stator (180watt),2 stator mounting plates (it will be a proto type 1 sandcast and 1 hand machined), mag with keyway that's modified (weight not sure yet) and a used XS650 OEM reg/rec with new plugs.

Basically I'll have a bunch of parts to get off when done for approx $140 plus shipping. DM if interested. Again, not sure how much playing I'll do with it or timing but I suspect late next week. Depends on a ton of factors. Please know I'm just playing around for personal fun and it may not be a perfect fit or some "tinkering" many be needed. But, we've all wasted more than $140 at a strip club, so whatever, Right?

Here is the cooler that I installed on my '78/E and '81/H along with a oil pressure gauge.





Thanks thats actually fairly close to what I did today. I'd hope to find a cooler that'd fit between the frame rails but haven't had success.

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Never got to dyno anything. Too busy
PMA systems are pointless without a CDI ignition.
The Oil Cooler that HHB sells is not functional in any real terms. Oddly the people machining them are dumping them on Ebay. Wonder why.
Not sure why we've over complicated fork spacers?