No battery, what can i use question


XS650 Enthusiast
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Hi hi,

Well long story short I picked up a "non running" 1980 XS650 heritage yesterday. Motor would not turn over with kick, altho I did not have the proper footwear (was wearing sandals). So i was about to walk away from the bike when gentleman said " Well what would you give me non-running, cause i need to get it out of the basement." Anyways back on track. Put a little mystery oil in the cylinders and let it soak for a little bit today. Then went back and tried and still could not get it to turn over. So i took the side panel off (stator/alternator side) And put a socket too it and with my surprised with a little pressure bam turned over. Checked the kickstarter and its not turning the motor over. My Dad's compression tester is hard to use by a single person on a bike (it does not screw in you just hold it tightly agaisnt) so i need to either get a friend over or get one that screws in.

Now to the questions i have. When i do what im going to do with this bike i am going to go with kick only (PMA and what not). That being stated i do not want to purchase a battery to just test things out before complete tear down of bike. can a lawnmower battery, car battery, or anything else be used to test with?

Also the stator/alt area has a stupid amount of corrosion.:banghead: I was planning on updating that anyways but what else should i check out before trying to start it up (Besides oil, oil filter, gas)??With this much corrosion i have a hard time believing it will start see picture below.(maybe im just being pessimistic )

Picture bringing it home...lmao@the tassels:laugh::laugh:

Starting to strip just so i can get to things better, Btw rags and oil are from me spilling mystery oil. And sadly till i get it in better shape that is my hiding spot from the parents (sad when your 28 and still having to hide toys)

Corrosion ekkkk

Wonder if the odometer is right lol

Anyways any help or comments will be appreciated


You can use any 12 Volt battery. If you are going to use the electric start, then the minimum size should be like the stock battery or a 14AH 12 volts battery. Use a battery charger to keep the battery charged, but do not attempt to use the battery charger without the battery to power the bike.