Oil leak on right engine cover (Clutch side)


XS650 Enthusiast
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Baltimore, MD
Hey Guys,
I have an oil leak on my clutch side engine cover. It's not cracked and not around the gasket, but near the little circles that house the ends of the tach gear. So if you look at the bottom of the cover there are two little circles and one or two on the front side.

The PO had put JB weld in them I guess to block the oil. I noticed they were leaking because i went to PC the part and when I heated the part up oil started bubbling out of these areas.

How can I fix this? Should I weld the holes shut? or is there an easier solution to this?
I dunno about the po but Yamaha sealed the cross drlled holes with something like JB.
it definately looked like a PO JB .. it was real sloppy and there was a fingerprint on it. Should I refill it with JB then? weld it? curse at it?