PMA (Banshee) swap Stator incorrect...


XS650 Addict
Reaction score
Lake Worth, FL
So I'm doing the PMA swap (using a 1985 Honda VF500 stator) and the holes don't match up with the holes on the banshee timing plate. Kind of confused, because those were specifically named as parts I could use for the swap. Do I need to just drill holes or get a different stator? If so, which stators ACTUALLY work for this swap?


Also, I'm going to have to just cut off a couple of the tabs on the banshee timing plate, right?
Did you do a search on "banshee swap"?
Probably a ton of good info from previous posts.

I've done that, that's where I found the how to in the first place. What I'm saying is that one of the parts that was recommended by the article doesn't seem to be fitting the way it should. Seeing if anyone else has had the same issue or if there's an obvious factor that I'm missing because I am the least mechanically inclined individual in this forum I'd imagine.
it might be easier for us to see what is going on if you show us what doesn't fit together correctly. Is it the I.D of the stator or just 3 of the 5 holes don't line up[?
That stator may have improperly listed. I can tell you from experience that the '88 cbr600 stator works perfectly with this mounting bracket. A picture of how you are trying to put it together might help.
The three holes are not spaced evenly. In the picture above you have the stator upside-down and backwards.

It looks like that hole with the 12C next to it needs to go towards the pickup mount.

Try putting it on with the 12c side toward the stator plate. The holes may line up that way.
this doesn't change that the holes aren't spaced the same as the bracket though, it was just upside down, right? So I still have the wrong stator?

It's the right stator. It was upside-down and turned the wrong way.

The holes are not evenly spaced. The two holes that are shared with the four-hole pattern are closer together. Just eyeball your bracket and see which two holes are closer together. Or just keep turning the stator until all three holes line up. It can only go on one way.
It will fit..............


If it weren't for this site and the people on it, I'd have given up long ago I'm afraid. You guys would be blown away at the amount of dumb questions/mistakes I've made along the way so far. But, I guess there's not another way for me to learn. /rant Thanks fellas!

:bike: soon.