qld,a police state???

I feel bad for you guys in Australia. I was with the 173Rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam and we had an Australian Medical Unit attached to us. As a medic I spent a bit of time with them enjoying some good Single Malt. They were a great bunch of guys and a few of them, I recall, were bikers looking forward to going home and riding. I had a Norton waiting for me.

Sure hope they come to their senses. Some of this stuff was proposed in the US, and fortunately we have the American Motorcyclist Association lobbying on our behalf in Washington.

we have the australiam motorcycle council and (rep outlaw clubs) the qld motorcycle council who have set up a fighting fund.also a couple of unions have donated as qld gov now wants to ban club members and associates (even if you quit a club years ago) from working in various industries.ie.security/tattoo shops/ building industries.some legal work is being donated with a high court case coming up shortly which should be intresting, as a lot of this affects more than just motorcycle riders.even a lot of judges are against these laws as being dangerious :banghead:
That is really tragic. What have the bikers done to piss the government off that bad?

JD i was going to sign that petition then released the Author hadn't put his name to it. Why? If the petition was started by an enthusiasts club or has a name that was check-able then i would sign in a heartbeat. Checked out the blog, (Petition for what ever someone wants to petition for), and anyone could have started that petition, meaning it could have been a Gang member. Without transparency it could be helping the outlaw gangs using enthusiasts to help them fight legislation to curb them. Here is a link to the Blog page that has the petition on it.

This is all in the response to the bikie gangs latest public fights and their storming of a police station, and the Patch over of the Finks by the Mongols.It is a power play between the Mongals, (finks patch over), banditos and hells angels. This is what has caused the government to take a heavy hand and now all bikers are paying for it.

here are Some links to the latest public brawls and some info on the gangs that are at the heart of it. Help to understand what has caused the response by the gov't


Write a petition the the Federal member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch, himself a self confessed enthusiastic Harley riding biker. The man himself would be worried about the impact on genuine enthusiast bike riders. Warren is currently patron of the Vietnam Veterans’ Motorcycle Club (FNQ Chapter)
Cairns Electorate office Phone no; (07) 4051 2220 Email; warren.entsch.mp@aph.gov.au

Read through the links. This is what bought things to a head. There are laws that already govern this type of behavior, if they really wanted to crack down under the old legislation.. The Queensland, (this is a State initiative not federal), Premier is ex army who is using scare tactics to appeal to a section of the public and seeing to be tough by introducing these laws is the only way to deal with the problem.

Personally i think some of these dickhead bikies have bought it upon them selves and deserve the book thrown at them, unfortunately for a lot of other bikies and bikers and now a range of other people including the general public those dickheads have now potentially affected every person in Queensland if they are in a group of 3 or more.
agreed,but problem is hes either brought these and some other laws in on purpose or accidently realised here was a chance to avoid those nasty judges and magistrates who might actually think for them selves and go to direct gov sentanceing and who better to bulldoze it through than with those scarybike riders.and given the mentality of the qld police they have gone you beauty the ropes been cut.they now want any planned run of more than 3 biker riders(non banned club or normal riders)to notify police in advance to save confusion. a bike funeral of normal bike riders notifyed but still pulled over and harrased.non clubbie pulled over and booked for taking 1 foot off the peg to streach his leg for a second another rider on gold coast pulled over 21 times the list goes on and on and now a few of the other states are looking on with intrest to see which laws will stand up in the high court so they can jump in on the band wagon.but they have 1 problem in they have a upper and lower house to get through to pass these laws.qld only has 1 house which the gov controls, so alot of this is a power play for which we the bike riders are paying for first
We had a problem with the Mongols, Banditos, and Hell's Angels ighting with each other as well. Here in Maine, a group of Hell's Angels killed a member of another outlaw gang. They were rounded up, tried, and sent to prison. There were some legislators that tried to pass legislation barring group rides--saying that these groups are gangs. There was even a legislator who was so dumb that he proposed seat belts for motorcycles. Fortunately, the United Bikers of Maine have a good legislative committee that spends a lot of time in the Capitol educating our lawmakers.
This is seriously heavy shit - and nothing short of harassment. Still, sooner or later the heavy-handed cops will pick on some old dude and his wife who have the bloody-mindedness and wherewhithal to take them on in the courts.
I look forward to the day, when the cops get egg on their faces.
Heavy policing earns them no friends, you'd think they'd have learned that by now, but the lesson never sinks in and there's always a new generation of polis who want to be bullies.