rear fender mount ideas


XS650 Addict
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birmingham, AL
Whats up fellas, was just wondering how all you other Brat guys are mounting your rear fender after cutting the tail section off. im just having design brain farts right now.
If you want it to move with the swing arm just get some fender mounting bungs and weld them to the swing arm and drill holes and bolt it up. Tc bros sells fender bungs with bolts. After that make some mounts for fender struts or a sissy bar for the back.
If u want to solid mount the fender just keep in mind clearance for the shock travel And mount it to rear somewhere on the frame.

Look really close under the battery box, there's some masking tape taped on the end of fender bungs welded to the swing arm

I havent done it yet because im waiting for my r tire. But i cut two pieces of pipe and bent them to match the radius of my fender. My plan is to weld them in to the vertical pipe from the visual impact kit ive put on then make brackets to attach the fender to the pipe. what im trying to figure out is how high and how far forward i need to attach the fender so that i dont "bottom out" or leave enough room for chain adjustment.. Ive heard of guys using old pieces of garden hose to use as a spacer between tire and fender and am considering doing it that way with the wheel moved up a fair bit. Seems like a good plan to me anyway...but im no expert haha
I use a chain on the tire and I move the wheel in the adjusters forward almost all the way before doing anything.(if u are making it move with the swing arm). Otherwise spacing will have to be figured out with how much ur shocks compress.
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