Rusty Metric Magazine

I talked to Trent the other day Nd he informed me that unfortunately the magazine is not going to continue on. I really liked it. The first issue with the interview with falcon was great and so was Hughs tech article.

yea this blows because it was a cool mag, especially for the price! We should bitch to have em' take a crack at issue #2!!! :D
Britain uses the metric system.

Or whitworth, or whatever was lying around.

Yeah, there wouldn't be a whole lot of metric stuff on an old British bike. My buddy has a Vincent and a Brough and spends his time at swapmeets looking for old whitworth spanners and the like as AF and Metric don't really cut it on some old original British iron.

Cool mag, but being a traditionalist I struggled to balance my lap top on my lap while sitting on the toilet (do you guy's call it the "john"?), so a paper copy is always going to be better for me.