Sidestand pitfalls??


XS650 Addict
Reaction score
Union, MO
I am planning on replacing my sidestand on my 78 XS650 Special with a Mikes XS replacement today. It appears to be a straightforward swap, but I have been bitten by the snake of assumption many times in the past so I figured I would ask the experts. Any pitfalls I should be aware of?

Don't know of any particular pitfalls, Mike, but here's an old trick that can make the job a little easier. Before you remove the stand, collect a bunch of nickels. With the stand down to extend the spring, pack as many nickels between the coils as you can manage. The nickels (or thick washers, or any substitute you can think of) will keep the spring extended so you don't have to stretch it by hand when you reinstall it.
Spring install/removal can be a pain. Other than that, just make sure all the parts are assembled in the proper sequence. The spring post goes up, above the bolt .....


The two part end of the spring goes up as well .....


Liberally grease the stand pivot post before sticking the stand on there. I install a grease nipple in the stand itself so I can easily keep the pivot greased in the future.
Grizld1, what a brilliant tip! I was just looking at my stand today wondering how to get the spring off easily....

Thank you.
I found this YouTube video quite interesting. But, even though I have the tool he used, I couldn't get it in there. The angle of the spring posts and the attachment points didn't allow enough room to fit the tool in. Too bad because it looks easy.

You're more than welcome, Paul, but I can't take credit for the idea. After decades of struggle I ran into the easy way to deal with stand springs years ago on either XS650 Garage USA or the old 650Rider site. Wish I could remember who posted it. The first few nickels/washers/whatever ya got go in easily; after that things get more difficult, and I start pressing them in with a pair of water pump pliers (AKA slip joint pliers, AKA Channel Locks, AKA whatever guys call 'em on your side of the pond).
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Many thanks for the advice. The coin trick would work since I wanted to use the new spring. I did use the coin trick to install the new spring however. I expanded the spring with a pipe clamp and installed pennies and it worked like a charm!