someone has changed 2 of my messages

I made a couple of posts and later on when i went back and looked at the posts is was different. It had changed The size of the text had changed and in one of the posts the words were different. so I just basicly delited both posts.:shrug:
The only person who could have done that would be me. I rarely edit anyone's posts except to fix broken images or embed the occasional youtube video.

If I remember correctly, you had the post where the entire thing was in Font Size 7

Annoying to read and unnecessary so I turned it down to a 5 I think. A whole paragraph in size 7 is worse than an all caps paragraph with no punctuation.

Please don't take any of that the wrong way. I'm just trying to keep things looking good on the site. :)
Travis does his job of keeping you bitches in line. So shut it and sit down before he stops the bus and beats all yall asses.