stack of black chips

yeah i actually checked and changed both filters a day or so ago and that's how i found the problem. the amount of chips in the oil filter lead me to believe there has been a catastrophic failure of the guide. there were large black chips in the oil filter and even a rather large, like 2 inch, piece in the bottom of the sump pan. :cussing:

so yay for that.

i understand what you are all saying about don't ride and all that but this is the only motorcycle i have and it's so much fun to ride that i guess i have to listen to you alls.

today i take the motor out.

disassembly ftw! :D
inxs - possibly a stupid question, but what is the copper looking cover over the right side of the lower sump filter? I just got an xs, went to do an oil change and found a ton of plastic and metal in my filters, but mine doesn't have a cover like that... just a damn hole!:wtf:
Doing the cam chain tension, setting the valves might not help the front guide any, but doing them can quiet some of the noise.
Black chips, if they are large and long and thin they come from the front guide. If they are very small and look kinda like sand then they come from the rubber rings on the starter gears.