The new life of a 72' XS II - Build thread

Following this method I measured 0.20-0.35 mm side-play all around, which further confirms that the valves are done for.
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Monday I’ll call a few shops to hear what they’ll charge to change valves and guides, before I start doing it myself.

Good thing I’m not doing this as a business, there’s no way restoring and maintaining old bikes makes economic sense unless it has an emotional and curious learning value 🏍️

Ringsted Motor can have parts
And Rudiger

I have been thinking about the economics of this
It can be costly but also cheap , Most do this as a Hobby and Quality Time ..Having some tools interest and experience.
For me it is Quality Time Sunshine-- Rock and Roll Music ..Trying to solve it
But if you have the Time Which many have these days .. Not least Young persons with no jobs.
I have been riding on the Cheap every Year the last 40.

But yes Shops here don't even take in old Machines .
Electrical problems fex Many Hours charging the Costumer and then he comes back Complaining
Ringsted motor has been my go-to for many parts, being the only shop here in Denmark that stocks xs parts and can ship from day to day.
But like many others, I shop where i can get the parts the cheapest if there's no deadline.

I always prefer to do the jobs myself on my bike, despite sometimes costing the same, often less, but always taking more time while learning, but I'm currently doing my masters degree in engineering, while juggling two jobs, planning the local DGR ride as primary host and dealing with the great personal loss, of losing my father in a motorcycle accident in november. So prioritizing my mental health has been a growing concern lately.
While working on my bike is meditative for me, we all need to prioritize spending time with family and personal time to recover, why i need to get this bike back on the road so i can feel the wind around me and the vibrations through my hands, only to rest in my hammock between two trees with my bike next to me and an IPA in my hand.

Luckily there's a several workshops around Aarhus, Denmark, who specialize in building race bikes from the 60's-80's, shipping them all over Europe, surprising considering the salaries we demand here, but it does seem like some of this is off the book heheh.
The knowledge the old-timers have is amazing though.

I noticed has the valves for about 92€ total plus shipping, some 40€ cheaper than the earlier mentioned, then i just need guides and the work itself. Depending on the price the shops charge, I'll se if I'd rather do it myself as parts would amount to about 200-250€ with new gaskets and all.
Had a workshop doublecheck measurements and the valve guides are good 👍 he ordered some new valves for me, the valve seats were also recut and the joint surface cut flat.

The left side piston rings seems to also need replacing, which is a struggle as I have third oversize (0.75) which I can’t for the 256 engine anywhere.. I’ve found a single set on eBay from the uk - ruling out anything from the states as it would be cheaper to have them made here

Already looked at cruizinimage, Heiden, xs650shop, ringstedmotor, cmsnl and eBay

I’ve assembled everything and hope to find the rings soon and then replace the current
Today I received a new piston kit, shift shaft, dowel pins, oil pipe base fitting, clutch hub-bearing, clutch pushrod ball, clutch pushrod bushing, cam needle bearing.
Lovely costly batch.

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Just made a pleasant discovery, I remembered that some of the 256 piston kits I’ve seen when looking for rings, where made to use the 447 rings, thank god for posting on this forum when I bought my kit, I didn’t have to go back through my albums through the years - it rather clearly states 447 piston rings on the box, which are way easier to get a hold off 🥳
Removed the engine over the weekend, replaced the piston rings, noticed I had put them on upside down last time, so I would assume that could be the cause for the excessive oil consumption - at least I read that the notch on one side should point towards the top of the piston, otherwise the edge helps oil in rather than out of the cylinder, as one side is beveled.

The cylinder sleeves seem to already have worn somewhat smooth, meaning they should potentially be honed at some point.
I noticed the rear wheel had acquired some slag, I took it out and found one side had “exploded”, missing a few balls, so I dropped it off at a shop to save time, should hopefully pick it up tomorrow 🤞
And they delivered the wheel back Thursday, giving me enough time to assemble most of the bike, just needing to adjust the chain and attach footpegs and others.
Just in time for Distinguished gentleman’s ride, must say it’s been requiring a lot of time to arrange our DGR, but I wish you all a good ride, attending your local DGR or not
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at least I read that the notch on one side should point towards the top of the piston
As a general rule of thumb, if there's any marking on one side of a ring, that side goes up (toward the head).
I say "rule of thumb" because it's possible there's an engine out there that doesn't follow that rule, but in all my years of building engines, I never saw one that wasn't that way.