This could only happen to me


Retired loafer
Reaction score
N.E. Ohio
So, I'm going to get gas for my lawn mower and my car, but before I do that, I wanted to get a Dunkin coffee and wash my car. I drove past the gas station on the way to get coffee and to the car wash, because I didn't want to drive around with a full gas can in the back of my car. I reserved the gas station as my last stop. At the car wash, I got behind some old lady who didn't know how to get thru the car wash and after she did get a wash, her car stalled and wouldn't start. So I had to back my car out of the stall and go out thru the exit...which is marked " THIS IS NOT AN EXIT !!". No big deal, I'll just go get my gas and enjoy my coffee. When I got to the Marathon station, every pump handle had a sign which read "Out Of Service". They must have been raising prices.

So now I got no gas, a dirty car, and a cold cup of coffee !!

You won't get any sympathy from me. Look around the world.............recession, famine, debt crisis, high unemployment, disfunctional government.................lets keep some perspective:)
Yeah well when you put it like that!

It's all relative. "Quit complaining about not having a job. At least you're not dying of cancer!"
Today on my way home from work I started to run out of gas, reached down to hit the reserve and...ahh crap, I hit that on the way to work. I didn't stop this morning because I was running a little late. So I got it going as fast as I could before it ran out and coasted to less than a mile from the station. And, I swear to you, it was storming on me for about three miles before I ran out of gas, and then it just stopped and blue skies.