VM34 Startup


XS650 Junkie
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I bought a set of 34s off here and checked them out before mounting. I couldn't verify the needle jet number as it looks like it was rubbed off, but the others are as follows:

Needle: 6F9 middle clip
Pilot: 25
Main 180

I failed to check float level before I reassembled, but everything else inside was clean.

I tried starting today for the first time, and no matter what I did it didn't want to start. It was flooding the left cylinder while the right was fine. It tried to kick off once or twice, but never anything sustained. Just wondering if float level would keep it from starting or if I need to take a look at the jetting as well? I still need to tune the carbs so I will likely have to purchase new jets anyways, but I want to get it running first so I can actually tune it.
Thanks, Leo. I'm not gonna play "Write it again just for me" anymore. We'll just let the Peanut Gallery jump in here with its accumulated wisdom.
Thanks for the link, I guess I missed the part in there where he went over float level or what would be reasons your motor wouldn't start and where to start looking on the carbs. That is a great manual and I have been using both that and the Mikuni manual. I am still waiting on my Sudco manual. That being said, it doesn't say crap about what to look at if the bike will not start. Since I cannot verify the needle jet and I failed to check my float level before I reassembled the bowls, I was trying to figure out if I could narrow it down to the float level or if I have a bigger problem.

Oh, my mixture screws are out 3/4", set the initial sync, and the lift sync is set as per the recommended baseline. Next time, it would be nice if you could read past the subject and simply assuming this was a "what jets do I need for vm34s on my 750" thread.
Actually, I took it for a "I skipped important setup steps but I know you're psychic so look in your crystal ball and tell me exactly what to do so I can avoid doing what you told me needs to be done" thread.