Your money or your life!


XS650 Guru
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We have lots of traffic lights around here. Count on an hour to get across town. A couple of summers ago when gas was so high, people were complaining in the paper about having to sit at red lights wasting precious (expensive) gas. Seems they complain if it wastes their money, but not if it wastes their time (their life).
That an interesting way to look at it..

If time is money then you've always been wasting money sitting at lights.. not just the gas you're using.
Time = money is just something people who are too chicken to steal your money like to think :)
Some automaker execs and US senators actually tried to get a stable 4.00 dollar a gallon gas price as the best way to get people to buy into gas saving vehicles and technology it went nowhere.
£6 a gallon here..I must waste 50pence worth everytime I use the choke to start her up..:mad:
You got a 2 gallon tank Kev? :)..Mine costs me £18($30?) to fill her up from empty! :eek:

Excellent vid !
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damn! i get upset when i have to put more than $8(US) in to fill my bike. it's about a two gallon tank. i guess us american's don't know how good we have it.
I'd say we do know how good we have it. We just don't allow our gummint to tax out fuels at the rate that other gummints do -- especially in Europe -- yet.