BIG MOUTH with a microphone!

Abortion kills a million kids a year in the U.S. that's 1 with six zeros; guns in schools maybe a couple per year, averaged out. That's like a 2 with no zeros. This is one screwed up place to live. Although not as screwed up as everywhere else. Although Montana is particularly screwed up in winter.
Unless you got a vagina you got nothing to say about abortion.
Abortion kills a million kids a year in the U.S. that's 1 with six zeros; guns in schools maybe a couple per year, averaged out. That's like a 2 with no zeros. This is one screwed up place to live. Although not as screwed up as everywhere else. Although Montana is particularly screwed up in winter.

It's been said that in this country a womb is the most dangerous place for a baby to be....and now we hinge on religion and politics.
Planned Parenthood/eugenics
Humanism is a religion with millions of followers.
60+ degrees scheduled for the ol' Ohio Valley today......the '77 just may take its first road-legal run the temporary tag, waiting for the historical tag in the mail.....
I think Piers Morgan is a dick

After making his statements about his opinion on gun laws, the same people who are claiming any change/restriction, on gun laws, breach their right under the second amendment, are calling for his/their right under the first amendment to be broken to shut him up and be deported purely for exercising that right

Correct. BOTH sides are exercising their Consitutional rights. Which he has even as a non citizen. About the only thing he can't do over here is vote.

He was largely responsible for the News of the World hacking text messages etc over in Blighty which shows how much respect he has for the rights and privacy of others. But now he wants to position himself as some sort of champion of the liberal left? I bet the CNN brass are still squirming over that. Wonder how much they will buy his contract out for?
They wont get rid of Piers, he is drawing a large audience , kind of like the Jerry Springer show before it got boring. Funny thing is he (Morgan) doesn't have to stage the antics , the nut jobs on his show are real.
Abortion kills a million kids a year in the U.S. that's 1 with six zeros; guns in schools maybe a couple per year, averaged out. That's like a 2 with no zeros. This is one screwed up place to live. Although not as screwed up as everywhere else. Although Montana is particularly screwed up in winter.

It's funny how both are not seen as equals. Both still a heartbeat. I guess you are just more fond of them when they are school age than when they are interfering with your irresponsible promiscuity.

Scrambled, I will not be bringing it. I am not a criminal. It will have to be stolen by a criminal, or one of my personal acquaintences whom I trade with will have to sell it to a criminal, and that criminal can try it out before driving it into Canada. Might make both of us happy with the situation.:wink2: It would protect BOTH of us, and both our countries.:laugh:
It's funny how both are not seen as equals. Both still a heartbeat. I guess you are just more fond of them when they are school age than when they are interfering with your irresponsible promiscuity.

Scrambled, I will not be bringing it. I am not a criminal. It will have to be stolen by a criminal, or one of my personal acquaintences whom I trade with will have to sell it to a criminal, and that criminal can try it out before driving it into Canada. Might make both of us happy with the situation.:wink2: It would protect BOTH of us, and both our countries.:laugh:
You are the one who said " 385 deaths and 455 injuries " was "fukin nothing " , remember that ? Go back and take a look at your own posts . When people talk about taking guns from crazy people they mean people with no empathy cause they are the most dangerous of all .
Correct. BOTH sides are exercising their Consitutional rights. Which he has even as a non citizen. About the only thing he can't do over here is vote.
Don't know if i didn't make my self clear or you are just didn't want to see the point.

i will try to make it clearer for u

Both are exercising their rights under the ist amendment .......but......... the hypocrisy is..........

The pro gun supporters are demanding that it is unconstitutional to have any change to gun restrictions or regulations under the second amendment.


The same people are calling for censorship and deportation because an anti gun comment was made. They are exercising their right to say that.........but ..........

They are prepared to brake the constitutions first amendment to censure and deport someone, (because he doesn't hold the pro gun views they have), in order to squash debate
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Pretty hard to find any logic coming from the pro gun side .

That's not true. There has been a lot of good information and compelling evidence posted. I have found evidence that is not as compelling but need to do some more research to confirm or deny it before i post

There has been a couple of people who will use squired information and pass it off in such a way as to make it look as though it is the whole picture. They don't like it when it is taken for what it is. They would prefer others to believe what they want you to see as the truth and to get others to think like they do. ........Its called "Pulling the wool over your eyes"
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-You are the one who said " 385 deaths and 455 injuries " was "fukin nothing " , remember that ? Go back and take a look at your own posts .

I don't have to go back, I know what I said. These firearms are statistically insignificant, as a "sub-division" of firearms related to deaths in the United States over the period of time indicated, thus the pursuit of those firearms alone as posing, and nothing more. Everyone is government is always talking about the "big picture" Meanwhile, they are focused on the staples in the frame around it, because they feel they can demonize the staple successfully, without adressing the picture itself.

-When people talk about taking guns from crazy people they mean people with no empathy cause they are the most dangerous of all .

That's not what they mean, you just can't stand me. I'm not a trailer dwelling mouth breathing redneck that has no understanding of the world beyond the mailbox. They mean, among other things, that are NOT subjective opinion, people without the capacity for rational thought who cannot distinguish right from wrong, or people that are clinically depressed, suicidal, or delusional. I work under the US Department of Transportation's rule book, and could not hold a safety-sensitive job such as mine if I were mentally ill. I have empathy for the innocent, but a component of that empathy is that they deserve the opportunity to defend themselves from the predatory pieces of shit roaming around out there. When seconds count, the police are minutes away, and you are responsible for your own safety, and the safety of you family and children.

Go ahead and make your wise-ass crack about me, who you don't know from a gophers ass or a plate of poutine, but you know I'm right, and I'm just making your ass itch because you can't stand free thinking people who understand that any form of freedom comes at some cost. Where freedom is afforded, it will always be abused. Being a slave to your government and thier whim only costs you your freedom.:)
I was certain i had not said 100's of deaths and injuries were not, Quote: Fuckin significant, Unquote; but just to make sure i went back and checked. look what i found.

Feinstein to Introduce Updated Assault Weapons Bill in New Congress
Press Release
By: Dianne Feinstein
Date: Dec. 17, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), author of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban that expired in 2004, announced on Sunday that she will introduce updated legislation early next year.

"On the first day of the new Congress, I intend to introduce a bill stopping the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of assault weapons as well as large ammunition magazines, strips and drums that hold more than 10 rounds," Feinstein said. "I am in the process of gathering support for the bill in the Senate and House."

"I have been working with my staff for over a year on this legislation," Feinstein added. "It will be carefully focused on the most dangerous guns that have killed so many people over the years while protecting the rights of gun owners by exempting hundreds of weapons that fall outside the bill's scope. We must take these dangerous weapons of war off our streets."

A Justice Department study found the Assault Weapons Ban was responsible for a 6.7 percent decline in total gun murders. However, since the 2004 expiration of the bill, assault weapons have been used in at least 459 incidents, resulting in 385 deaths and 455 injuries.

A summary of key provisions in the updated bill:

Stops the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of more than 100 specifically-named firearms as well as certain semiautomatic rifles, handguns and shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds.
Stops the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of large-capacity ammunition feeding devices (magazines, strips and drums) capable of accepting more than 10 rounds.

Protects legitimate hunters and the rights of existing gun owners by:
grandfathering weapons legally possessed on the date of enactment;
exempting more than 900 specifically-named weapons used for hunting and sporting purposes; and
exempting antique, manually-operated, and permanently disabled weapons.


I posted a press release from one of your senators

385 deaths and 455 injuries, Since 2004? Nationwide? That's fuckin nothing, figuratively speaking. You are more likely to be killed with a shotgun.
Chicago (highly restricted) blew that toll away this year alone, in one city! All types, but still, way more murders!
Notice DF does not recognize an individual's right to protect themselves. It's virtually NEVER mentioned. She can eat dirty rat's asses in hell.

Your post in response to your senators statement

-You are the one who said " 385 deaths and 455 injuries " was "fukin nothing " , remember that ? Go back and take a look at your own posts .

I don't have to go back, I know what I said. These firearms are statistically insignificant, as a "sub-division" of firearms related to deaths in the United States over the period of time indicated, thus the pursuit of those firearms alone as posing, and nothing more. Everyone is government is always talking about the "big picture" Meanwhile, they are focused on the staples in the frame around it, because they feel they can demonize the staple successfully, without adressing the picture itself.

-When people talk about taking guns from crazy people they mean people with no empathy cause they are the most dangerous of all .

That's not what they mean, you just can't stand me. I'm not a trailer dwelling mouth breathing redneck that has no understanding of the world beyond the mailbox. They mean, among other things, that are NOT subjective opinion, people without the capacity for rational thought who cannot distinguish right from wrong, or people that are clinically depressed, suicidal, or delusional. I work under the US Department of Transportation's rule book, and could not hold a safety-sensitive job such as mine if I were mentally ill. I have empathy for the innocent, but a component of that empathy is that they deserve the opportunity to defend themselves from the predatory pieces of shit roaming around out there. When seconds count, the police are minutes away, and you are responsible for your own safety, and the safety of you family and children.

Go ahead and make your wise-ass crack about me, who you don't know from a gophers ass or a plate of poutine, but you know I'm right, and I'm just making your ass itch because you can't stand free thinking people who understand that any form of freedom comes at some cost. Where freedom is afforded, it will always be abused. Being a slave to your government and thier whim only costs you your freedom.:)

Your emotions have got the better of your reason and you are resorting to a pattern you have again proved. Putting words in my mouth, (and they were your words), and making personal attacks does not help your argument for no gun control at all. It does undermine your credibility to make a good case and shows lack of reason and lying.

If you would lie on here i ask myself would you lie on a form to own a gun
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Don't know if i didn't make my self clear or you are just didn't want to see the point.

i will try to make it clearer for u

Both are exercising their rights under the ist amendment .......but......... the hypocrisy is..........

The pro gun supporters are demanding that it is unconstitutional to have any change to gun restrictions or regulations under the second amendment.


The same people are calling for censorship and deportation because an anti gun comment was made. They are exercising their right to say that.........but ..........

They are prepared to brake the constitutions first amendment to censure and deport someone, (because he doesn't hold the pro gun views they have), in order to squash debate

Here. I'll' explain it. Slow diction, small words:

Those people can CALL for his deportation and CALL for his censorship, but it will NOT HAPPEN. Just like people can holler that the President should be impeached for this or that, doesn't mean squat. Only Congress or the INS can deport someone. (Scrambled, this is that whole 'republic' vs 'democracy' thing at work again.)

It's all posturing. Learn to tell the difference, OK?

About the lightning thing: at least the really important stuff was left intact. ;)
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It has happened, i read it must be true it is squeezed in between Sasquatch and an alien invasion in march. :D

Posturing, really. a petition of over 100000 people to deport someone was presented to the president is posturing,

a petition to stop gun control measures is not

i listened to your slow dictated small words so i guess my definition of hypocrisy and posturing is totally different than yours

Don't get me wrong. My opinion of Morgan is he is a low life and i do not want to wast any time on the man himself. His style elicits the character of the way the world is, and headed. crap like this on TV is one of the reasons i will not have one
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