Actual Yamaha bug screen


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Vancouver Washington
I was fortunate to spot this hanging in the rafters of a local private motorcycle repair shop. Owner was a Yamaha dealer in the days long ago. Cost me $100 to get him to get it down for me. He said it was an unmounted original XS yamaha accessory ! I like how it deflects a few Bees and gives a little wind protection.
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Yes, came with spacers and bolts but I upgraded the bolts to chrome.. Very solid mounts. Clears very near the gauges. "Acrylite" is the only identifying mark. Fits Yamaha handlebar mounts.
If those bolts replace the Allen bolts in the handlebar clamps then what are the nuts for? And the spacers?
I've never seen one that mounts to the bar clamps like that but I have to admit, it's a pretty nifty idea. I imagine it may fit a variety of Yamaha models as long as their bar clamps are spaced the same.
That one is news to me also. Yamaha bought many aftermarket items and marketed them as "Yamaha accessories" maybe even "Genuine Yamaha Accessories" This is still done by about all the brands.
"Funny, but I'm not on these XS's to profit...". Seems like they'd be easy enough to clone, since you've got the complete DNA. You could punch them out like cookies, and I doubt there's anybody alive that would care about patent infringements. Not after 40 years. Public domain, and all... Who knows?
I have one that I picked up some years ago, I found it on EBay, around eight years ago by doing a search for 'Yamaha Mini Shield'. I'd seen somewhere that there was such an animal and went hunting.
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TM - would you be willing to make a tracing of the two brackets and the screen itself and post it with a scale on it?

I'll bet a few of the fanatics ( for example....) here would be happy to take a crack at replicating that puppy!

The more I look at it - the more I like it. That really is the cats-ass for a windscreen.
