Effin' lineups

Fred, I used to work for that airline that gave you the grief. Been there done that ,many, many, times. Can't count the number of times been sent out of town on company work, just to have the ramp rats loose my work tools or drop my small box, leave it sitting outside in the rain or snow. I don't fly anymore, last time was 4 years back for a family wedding, I just hate it now. But the airlines are in the business of making money for shareholders, and they don't really care how that is achieved. Airplanes are somewhat pricey, then there is the cost of maintenance and facilities, ground equipment, and the workers. Also flying has become the bus. Used to be a time when people got dressed up a little to fly, not anymore. I seen people in pajamas boarding, wtf? As far as luggage, just another way to try and get a handle on ever larger and larger bags. There never used to be a problem with smaller bags, check one and the other in the overhead bin. Now it is check three, one for you and two for the wife, a carry on bag or two and a laptop or two as well. Cargo is where the money is, so if company's and people have to pay to send merchandise, so can the regular passenger. And I don't have a problem with that, if you use the service expect to pay. To give you an idea of how bad things were, I seen a chest of draws being checked, when she was told no, she went on the attack, verbally, poor agent was almost in tears, until security came along. The chest went to the cargo shed as it should. Asians checking huge bags full of canned good, like baked beans. They had to weigh 100lbs or more. Poor guys down in the baggage room were wrecking their backs lifting them, if they made it down that far. They would usually explode upon being hit by the paddle pushers on the conveyor system. Yeah, loved that job, not so much. Sorry about your experience with AC Fred. But that is the way things are going in the 21st century, just have to relax and ride it out.
Fred I should have added the caveat...YMMV...Quite a few would agree that flying is a royal PITA...So Canadian airports are prolly friendlier than American airports eh?... If you had to fly into and out of L.A. then your opinion of airtravel would not be as favourable...However if i were 82 then i would prolly prefer to fly regardless. It seems theres no thought to giving those passengers with checked in luggage priority in disembarking..but then the airlines are only concerned about packing people in like sardines in a can or cattle in a freight car. Not my cup of tea sir..
Y'all have a good day...

Hi madmax-im.
most likely using a US airport as large and busy as LA's would be several orders of magnitude worse than flying out of Saskatoon on a
slow Wednesday mid-morning. No lineup at security, just us and a friendly pair of uniforms and in Canada we get to keep our shoes on.
Being suckers for punishment, we are flying to Calgary for the September Long Weekend.
(3 years-worth of Air-Miles finally used up and it's free. or pre-paid at least.)
OK, Saskatoon/Calgary is a 6 hour drive vs a 1 hour flight + 2 hours pissing about at airports and getting frustrated by the carry-on luggage clowns.
Nor dare I hope that a flight on a busy long weekend will be as unstressed as a flight on a slow Wednesday.
But if we fly our friends will pick us up at the airport and we'll have a native guide to drive us around Calgary's concrete rabbit warren.
Wish us luck, eh?
friendly pair of uniforms and in Canada
A few years ago I was working in Vancouver. On occasion I get gout in my big toes. Usually one at a time. This time I got it in both at the same time. I could barely walk. Black cherry juice and several aspirins and I could walk for 1/2 hour. When I went to go through security the lady security agent noticed my distress. She was kind enough to send me to the Canadian pre check line. Much shorter. Agent there said I needed to remove my shoes. Said OK but this could take awhile. He wanded me and sent me on my way. I was very grateful to them. Went to my gate and 15 minuets before boarding took 4 more aspirins.