How do I protect a PAMCO Ignition?

A heating element glows cherry red, yet has a very low resistance. The lower the resistance, the higher the current flow.... more heat. The trick is in the low melting point of the fuse element. If resistance was too high, it would never allow enough current through to allow it to melt. You said you never measured a fuse. Well, grab a meter... It'll read pretty close to 0
You're probably right it's low resistance (a short length of it). Resistance in long thin wire is high, which is probably how I got fuses crossed with resistance in the back of my mind. What's going on is just a certain gauge of wire is only good for a certain amount of current before heats up and pops, and the current through it is from the draw of the load being fused.

I'm not used to thinking of current through something with no voltage across it,
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