Line Drawing of XS engine?


XS650 Addict
Reaction score
Sunshine Coast British Columbia
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction! I need a good line drawing of an engine.
Santa brought me an airbrush for Christmas and after painting a few flaming skulls lol ..I had the notion of painting an XS engine on a T shirt. I need a nice line drawing to work with. What I am picturing is an engine surrounded by what they refer to as "real fire" in the airbrush world much like I have done with these first attempts. :laughing:
I am having fun and need much practice. Then I might attempt to paint my bike. :bike:
skull (2).jpg skull 004.jpg

It's an XS/RD morph thing I've been working on.. a '76 frame with a beefed up RD400 front end and 18" wheels. Very small, very light, very low!. I have a 1980 engine with 38's and I will have to do a custom exhaust because it sits so low.
bike 004.jpg
I would only be using it as a model to paint one so I don't think that will be an issue. I have seen a line drawing somewhere but can't for the life of me find it....It would make the work of cutting masks to paint it so much easier.
Maybe the engine in this drawing will work? This pic was swiped from the Voodoo Vintage Suicide Frame thread.