loud tick

Check the camchain and valves first, that sounds like your issue in general, but its hard to tell since there is soo much racket going on with that thing. Check those first, and get back to us.

(Hope it goes away, kinda sounds like a rod bearing.... :doh:)
Sounds light and tinny, more like valves or cam chain than bottom end but my stethoscope won't reach that far to be sure. Set the cam chain and valves then see what's up.
How many miles on it? Have you replaced the front cam chain guide?
It could be the plastic part has become partly detached from the aluminum backing.
It sounds like mine did when the cam chain was so worn the moveable parts of the adjuster was hitting between the cylinders.
It could be the adjuster is very loose.
I would check the cam chain adjuster while the bike is running. Remove the adjuster cap nut. Start the bike and as it idles adjust the tensioner to get the plunger to come out to even with the end of the adjuster and moves in and out about 1-2 mm. Don't adjust so tight the plunger stops moving or it comes out past flush.
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I am not sure of the mileage of the engine, I got the engine by buying a parts bike and then selling the rest of the bike (free engine). I took my good engine out and installed the free engine, I don't think anyone has ever adjusted anything on this engine, the point screws look brand new along with the valve adjusters. I did adjust the cam chain and I had to screw in the adjust a great deal. there is only about 7/8 of an inch of the threads left on the adjuster. After I adjusted the cam chain, the engine still made the sounds but at a lower frequency. Tomorrow I will adjust the valves.

Thanks everyone for you input, it is appreciated.
