oil leak from cgi


XS650 Member
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hoy out there

i have a question, concerning my 71 XS1b. a few months ago i had a new cgi unit i think that is what it is called. I waited for ages for the part to come from america! as i live in Aus. when i had it installed i have notice oil leaks out from the unit down onto the head, hence over the engine...
it isnt a huge amount but it is an annoyance

im pretty sure the dealer and mechanic said the bike was not standard that it had been bored out, hence why he didnt have the cgi unit to fit!

once again i hope i have the correct terminology!!
Hey nikolasd,
You need to get a manual, either buy one or download from the net, The Tech menu here has a wealth of info, Click onto Tech in the Page and thread Bar and use the search as well.

Dont have any idea what a Cgi unit is. Has the bike had an electronc ignition installed because all XS650's from 70-79 had a points system from the factory.

If you are not sure about what you are talking about, then post some pics to help us identify what you have so we can help you

Some links to get you started

http://www.biker.net/, A parts file

http://www.xs650.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41, A bunch of on line manuals

Sounds like you need to find someone here in Aus to help you out. Here is a link to the Aussie thread.

Considder joining the Aussie 650 Club, members every where and lots of support and contacts locally
There's an oil seal in the little housing that the Pamco mounts into. It probably needs replacing. When you pull the housing off the side of the motor, you'll also find a gasket and o-ring. You'll probably need to replace them as well.
i will check the availability of some of those parts here in south australia ??......
the only thing was the unit leaked from the start.. and the instilation only happened
3 months ago. makes me think the seals shouldnt need replacing yet!.
i recon id have to agree with you buddy, wish there was a way of looking up this info so i could pul it appart and re look at it myslef.i recon the guy installed it incorrectly........recon it is time for a manual......with these after market things be in the manual --i wouldnt think so!