For Sale - Parts, Bikes, Tools and lots of STUFF. Instant XS start up.

I am needing all spacers for a 1978 xs 650 rear axle.If you have a complete axle set up and don't want to separate I would buy it complete.
I have sold off a few more frames and motors but still have 2 more rollers with titles, and 4 complete motors, a race motor and a partially built motor with Shell parts and welded crank.. No shipping on them, pick up in Fort Lauderdale. I do have the drag bike and blue roadster too. I would like to sell the drag bike to someone that will use it or keep it complete. I had offers for the motor but would rather not part it out. I understand it is a dinosaur but I wish it would go to a good home. I still have many smaller items that I will ship within the US if they fit in a USPS flat rate box. If not then it is pick up only. Come with a truck and trailer for a great deal on everything.

Email me at for contact. I don't check here often.
Take a look at the links for a few items I had inquires about here. I can save you a few $ buying direct. And yes, I probably have what ever you are looking for but if you post here I might not see your request for a month or longer. Write me direct at

Although I post this info most everytime I check here I still get those who do not read and write me here?

As most have seen. I do not give stuff away and know what it is worth. It is taking time but much of what I started with has sold and if you are looking for something nice for a fair price then give me a shout. If you are looking for handouts or giveaway prices I am not going to make you happy. Now drive over with a large truck and cash to take everything and you might get a great deal.

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