Rebuilt peacocks leaking


XS650 Enthusiast
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Medford ma
Have 1977 model bought rebuild kits for peacocks had them apart 2-3 times and still dripping from bodies not tank area,see nothing out of order but any ideas? There are not that many moving parts,tried flipping over round piece with 4 holes still drips reluctant to give up and buy new ones as no visible defects on existing peacock bodies,purchased kits fron Mikes XS
Thanx in advance
Did you polish the round back side of the levers, the part that turns against that 4 hole rubber disc? I polish mine on some 400 or 600 paper taped to a flat surface.
Sometimes the dripping will stop once the gaskets swell up. You can also pull out the spring and stretch it a little.
I don't know about MikesXS kits but I have not been impressed with any rubber bits I've bought there.
Good luck
Hopefully gas will make it swell a bit
Did polish all surfaces had it apart twice to make sure
defies logic new parts but still drips????
Double no triple check that the wave spring is not trapped under the plate that you screw over the handle. It is easy to get it off center particularly if the petcocks are on the tank and you are messing with them. If you polish the backs, make sure the rubber disc with four holes is seated and the wave washer is not trapped it will work. A spray of Teflon lube into the spring area after it is assembled will make it turn easier.
I'm with on your reply everything is seated properly and sprayed a little silicone to lube movement
Had tank off each time and sure that wave spring is seated correctly,maybe 4 holed rubber will swellovernight even flipped them over still dripping but will see if any change tomorrow
Emailed Mikes Xs to see if he gave me correct parts,pretty sure he did its not that it????
You are probably correct - but this past summer I was sure my rebuilt petcocks were leaking.... positive. Turned out to be a seam in the tank very near the petcocks. Lightly pressurize the tank and spray a little soapy water in the seams near the petcock. Good luck!
The other thing to check is any washer or gasket you disturbed. Make sure all surfaces are clean, carb rebuild clean, make sure all sealing surfaces are flat, torque all screws evenly. Walk away from it and come back the next day. You are correct it is not that complicated, just frustrating as hell.