Signal?? Is that you??


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I saw this on the VFT site today and couldn`t help thinking about "Signal" from New Zealand and his fantastic sidehack build.:thumbsup::thumbsup:
No HM that's not me. Sometimes the fastest way around is to fly the wheel over the ripple strip but that is extreme.
Here is a link to some grass trimming done in the UK.
I will try and find the footage of a NZ GP race where the rider came off, the passenger took the controls and guided the bike to the side of the track , the rider then got back on and off they went again.
Would not happen now they would need to go in for a medical check.
this reminds me of when I was a kid, the older brothers of one of my school friends raced an outfit with a Z1 900 motor, on Christmas day, after they’d had a few Xmas bevies, they were known to fire it up and do laps around the neighbourhood at high speed, I saw them get it airborne once or twice, then when I was a bit older they heard I had Z1 that I was rebuilding and they gave me the head and various other bits off it, I always regretted never going to see them race.