Unusual Vintage Yamaha Adverts


Central New York XS650
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Syracuse NY
I love old XS and other Yamaha model adverts. Many nice ones have been posted over the years, and Skull offered some Dogonit-sweet XS ads yesterday with custom Yamaha accessories that I hadn't seen before.

Who's got some more unusual Yama ads to offer?

I got this California-based dealer brochure for the 1975 XS even before I got my actual '75 bike:


and found this unusual Italian ad on the web:


....and this one, with Yamaha used as a verb. What is she doing with her stocking ??

I first saw the Yamaha DT250 when I was stationed in the Philippines in 1970/71. A white one, just like in the ad. At the time, I was riding a Honda 305 Scrambler. I thought that DT was the absolute apex of motorcycle development and wanted one so bad I could taste it.

Got transferred to Japan in January of 1972 and the very first thing I did was locate the local Yamaha dealer and buy me an RT360.

Then sat and stared out the barracks window at it parked in the snow for 3 months...
Got transferred to Japan in January of 1972 and the very first thing I did was locate the local Yamaha dealer and buy me an RT360.

Then sat and stared out the barracks window at it parked in the snow for 3 months...
That brings back memories. in 72 I was stationed in New Mexico. Bought a used R5 (B or C can't remember) from the Yamaha dealer and just like you, it was January (they were cheap that time of year). Stared out the barracks window for a few months till I couldn't stand it. Rode it in March. Cold as hell... but what fun:)
Little Faus & Big Halsey, (the movie) Practically a Yamaha DT250 sponsored vintage So Cal motorcycle lifestyle documentary. Robert Redford at his worst behavior too. Early Sears Point, Desert, check it out if you can. Found my DVD in LasVegas.
My God! The "dingo" ad would have caused a sensation in Oz in 1980. They'd have either lined up at the shop to buy one or burned the place down. Never cease to amaze Bob.
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G'day Bob,

Where did you come up with that "dingo" advert??


It's funny, but for some reason that ad actually stuck in my head from the 70's. I remembered seeing that ad running in magazines back then and I was actively looking for it.

There was another one I was looking for but could not find. Same era, I want to say it was a reverend with clergy collar and all, who thinks the XS650 is just about perfect except for the handlebars, and the bike behind him had a pair of buckhorn handlebars very similar to what Triumphs ran in the same period.

My wife is always amazed that I can remember trivia from forty years ago but can't remember that she asked me to pick up a carton of milk. Haha :laugh2: