Vinless Frame


XS650 Member
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Knoxville, TN
I have two frames. One doesn't have a whole vin. Just the numbers, and i'm just wondering if it useable at all? I wanna sell it but don't know if any one would buy it or if any one could use it at all? I'm hoping some one with some experience with this can give me some insight to the options.
Sometime in the late 70's VIN numbers became a standard 17 digit number. Earlier frames are OK just the way they are.
Short VIN's completely legit - 4478009xx for example. Long VIN's started in Ontario early 80's (83?).
Only problem is if ya get a clerk that has never seen one.
Okay thanks everybody! That’s awesome to know... I was looking at the sticker and thinking that it doesn’t look like it existed but every where online said it had to be way longer. Hopefully I can sell it to some one
There should be a 9 digit number stamped in the neck. The 17 digit number is on the white sticker.
I have three XS's registered in NY. The 75 uses the 9 digit #, the 81 uses the 9 digit #. the 83 uses the 17 digit #. They all have the white stickers.
The numbers stamped in the neck can be all digits or have some letters. The 75 is 477108xxx,, the 81 is 4M4007xxx. the 83 is 5V4103xxx.
As far as the registration goes I guess they started using the 17 digits in 82 or 83.
I'll use my 83 number as an example. JYA5V4003DA103xxx. The JYA indicates country of origin and manufacturer, the 5V4 and the last 6 are the frame number. The 003DA I don't know what the mean.
Thomasaun, can you post a pic of the neck showing the sticker and stamped number?
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