Wirenutt's latest activity

  • Wirenutt
    My wife complains about WD40 and the kerosene I use for solvent. "Aaack! Put that straight into the washing machine and take a shower!"
  • Wirenutt
    So it only took you 9 days to go from a pile to something that looks like it's ready to ride? I must be too fussy, or you are retired...
  • Wirenutt
    Wirenutt replied to the thread Mystery Solved....
    I saw one last week, first one I've seen in these parts since the 70's. (S)he was stalking something in an open area, which is probably...
  • Wirenutt
    Well, I just stumbled onto this thread, and I'm working at losing weight. Last June I was 272 lbs and 6' and well into type 2 diabetes...